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All That Matters (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- It's very easy to get discouraged with limitations and circumstances in our lives that may be out of our control, or that are in our control, but we just don't feel like we measure up to the task. When it comes right down to it, the only opinion that really matters, is that of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Beauty from the Ashes (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- In Isaiah 61 it talks about preaching good tidings, binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to the captives and opening the prison to those that are bound. God can do that for us. He promises beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. We all go through some tough things in life. God can help us learn from these experiences and…
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Beckoning Me Back (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- There are reminders all around us to look up and remember that God is there, loving us and beckoning us back.
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Born That Day (feat. Zelda Nera Hutzenbeler)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- Stories have been told about the birth of our Savior from many different perspectives, but this one is from the point of view of the shelter where He was born.
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Broken Pieces (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- Ernest Hemingway said, "We are all broken. That's how the light gets in." That light that gets in, is God's light, and it changes us into something more beautiful! We are blessed through His love and grace!
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Change (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This is an Easter song about the way Jesus changes everything for the better, including us. He puts thoughts and words into my heart and changes me for the better, just like everything He touches.
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Choose Love (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- We have a choice in how we respond to the arguing and anger that is all around us. The answer to all the pain and hurt in this world is the gospel of Jesus Christ. His love and mercy can heal us. Choosing love and forgiveness can bring us personal peace and can bring more peace to a world in…
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Enlightened (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- With everything that is dark and frustrating in this world, I wanted to write a song that focuses how much light and guidance God brings into our lives. So grateful for Him!
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Extraordinary (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- There are miracles all around us, if we have the eyes to see them.
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Focus on You (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I wrote "Focus on You" based on these unprecedented times of Covid 19. I hope it will help bring some peace to troubled hearts, as it reminds us to turn our focus to God, who is the only one who can bring us true joy and peace, even in the midst of turmoil.
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Found Me in the Storm (feat. Dave Langdon)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- No matter what we’ve done, no matter where we find ourselves in life, the Lord can rescue us, transform us, and bring us to a place of beauty and joy. He deserves all our love and praise.
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Freedom (feat. Oyoyo Joi & Yahosh Bonner)
- $0.99
- No matter what challenges we face, God's gift of freedom is there for us, because of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Garden of Gethsemane (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- A dear friend of mine with chronic illness asked me to write a song about our Savior's suffering in Gethsemane. This song is the result of that request.
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Garden of Gethsemane (Instrumental Track)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This is the instrumental track to Garden of Gethsemane.
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Glory (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- There are many ways we can feel trapped in unhealthy patterns that can feel impossible to change. I’ve found that when I put my trust in Jesus Christ and take even the smallest steps to change and do His will, blessings and joy come. Glory means to rejoice proudly, and I truly glory in Jesus!
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I Know Who You Are (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I always feel so close to heaven when I hold a new little baby and look into their eyes, so full of potential and love. All of us were sweet innocent children once, but then life happens. Through the grace of Jesus Christ, we all have a way to overcome and know who we really are…a child of God.
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I Sing of Christmas (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- In a year that has been challenging for so many, I wanted to write a song of praise and joy for The One who gets us through all darkness and brings light, love, and hope to our lives, no matter what is happening.
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I Sing of Christmas (Sheet Music)
- $3.00
- Piano and lead vocal sheet music. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing choral parts.
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I Testify (feat. Zelda Nera)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This song connects the story of Jesus' birth to a personal testimony of faith. Though I wasn’t there in Bethlehem, I testify that I know He lives today, guiding me to live with love and service.
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In Control (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I have so much love for family and friends, even when they make choices different from what I believe. It is hard to know how to pray in these circumstances, but I know God knows and loves everyone more than me, and I trust Him. As the pastor, Dave Willis, said, When I'm worried, it's usually because I'm trying to do…
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Jesus is My Rock (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- With so much broken in our world, we wanted to write a song about our Unbreakable Healer, Jesus Christ, and testify that He is our Rock and Redeemer. I hope this song helps you remember that Jesus' love for us never fails. He truly is our Rock!
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Kaleidoscope (feat. Zelda Nera Hutzenbeler)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- In a world filled with diversity, it's so important to look for the things that unite us and to show love for others. Truly, everything is more beautiful when we're a kaleidoscope.
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Make You Smile (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I have so many blessings in my life and so much peace because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but I still see so much suffering. I was thinking about how God feels watching all the hard things in this world and thinking how I really just want to make Him happy, and this song was the result.
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Nothing Can Compare (feat. Jamie Miller)
Suzanne Hodsoon- $0.99
- Inspired by heartfelt conversations with a friend overcoming addiction and mental health challenges, this song reflects on the spiritual void that only God can fill.
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Prepare My Heart (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This song is a prayer to prepare our hearts for what matters most, our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Put On Christ (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This song is a reminder that even thought life gets busy, there is joy and strength when we slow down and soak in the word of Jesus and have His guidance in our lives.
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See You (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- Our efforts to see and really get to know others is basic to God’s commandment that we love one another, as He loves us. I wrote this song when I realized I have too often sprinted through life, not taking the time to stop and really see and listen to others through God’s eyes and ears. It’s something I want…
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Steady in the Storm (feat. Michael Lacey)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- During the storms in our lives, we can count on God to be that steady rock, and trust that He can calm our soul, even when the storm continues.
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Story of Joy (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This Christmas song is for everyone. Whether people know and love Jesus or not, He was born for us, He lived as an example for us, and He sacrificed for each of us. He loves us and His arms are open to us.
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You Speak (feat. Dave Langdon)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- God has all power and is there for each of us. As we learn to tune into His voice, we can gain the direction we need in our lives to help us reach our potential.
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Your Feet (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I love the Lord so much and I appreciate all He has done for each of us, and yet I often fall short of the way I want to live to show that love to Him. Still, I know He loves me and can make more of my life, as I give my weaknesses, my strengths, and my all to…
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Yours (feat. Zelda Nera Hutzenbeler)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- God always sees us as more, even when we might feel less than others around us. His love is unconditional.
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The Race (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- Life often feels like a long race…we can feel exhausted and lost, and sometimes we may fall, but God is always there cheering us on, picking us up, and showing us the way.
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Meek and Lowly (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- In our society meekness is often misunderstood and thought to mean weakness. This song is about the power of meekness and becoming more like our Savior, who is the supreme example of being meek and lowly.
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But If Not (Feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- “But If Not” is a song about faith, the kind of faith that endures, even when we don’t get the answers to prayer we may hope for in life.
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Best Intentions (Feat. Aaron Edson)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- This is a song that could relate to any marriage. We start out with the best intentions, but we all fall short at times. Each of us struggle with temptation and trial, and sometimes prayer and trying to change habits on our own is not enough. It takes action and effort on our part, and encouragement and forgiveness from a…
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I’ll Forgive (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- With so much controversy and disharmony in the world, we all need a little more forgiveness and love.
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Refiner of My Soul (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- I love to think about God's refining process in our lives. I see it in my own life and in the lives of those around me. Knowing that He loves us, holds us, and never leaves us, is a great comfort.
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Gone, But Not Forgotten (Full version, feat. Becky Willard)
- $0.99
- I wrote this song the day after my dad passed away and sang it for his funeral. I hope it will help bring sweet memories of those we've lost and that it will be a reminder of God's love, bringing comfort and peace.
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Faith Instead of Fear (feat. Becky Willard)
Suzanne Hodson- $0.99
- In a world of doubt and fear, we can remember that faith and fear can’t co-exist. Since we don’t really know what the future will bring, we might as well choose the positive by choosing faith.
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