My latest release, But If Not, played on the radio for the first time a few weeks ago and I am almost ready to release another new song, Meek and Lowly. Hoping it will be out within a couple weeks. I had a crazy experience this last month, as my website was hacked! I’d received an email from my hosting site first saying I needed to change my password, that someone in Brazil had gotten into my site. Then I received notice that my website had been shut down. Apparently they had gotten in and removed all my content and re-directed my site for phishing purposes. I was shocked it happened to me. It took me a lot of time to get my site cleaned, restored, and re-evaluated by Google, and the many antivirus software companies that had blacklisted my site. There are so many, that it’s possible some may still be blocking my site. It was a good learning experience, though. I learned the importance of keeping my website updated and secure.